The current state of understanding of the phenomenology and mechanism(s) for corrosion fatigue of high-strength steels is reviewed. Particular attention is directed towards corrosion fatigue in hydrogen and in water/water vapor environments. Available experimental data indicate that fatigue crack growth in high-strength steels is influenced by loading variables, such as frequency, stress ratio and waveform in regions above and below KIscc. The influences of these variables are directly attributed to interactions with the external chemical environment. Possible synergistic interactions and their relation to chemical reaction kinetics are indicated. Pertinent information on oxygen-metal and water-metal reactions is summarized. Initial results from a coordinated program of study for determining the water-metal reaction kinetics and the kinetics of crack growth on a single high-strength steel are discussed. (Author Modified Abstract)
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Corporate Authors:
Lehigh University
Institute of Fracture and Solid Mechanics
Bethlehem, PA United States 18015 -
- Wei, R P
- Simmons, G W
- Publication Date: 1973-3
Media Info
- Pagination: 61 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Corrosion; Cracking; Fatigue (Mechanics); Fatigue cracking; Fracture mechanics; High strength steel; Materials science; Steel; Stresses
- Uncontrolled Terms: Corrosive environments; Crack propagation; Stress intensity factors
- Old TRIS Terms: Chemisorption; Corrosion environments; Corrosion fatigue; Environmental tests
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00047639
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- ISBN: TR-7
- Report/Paper Numbers: IFSM-73-39 Tech Rpt
- Contract Numbers: N00014-67A-0370-008
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 18 1973 12:00AM