Siedlungsstrukturelle Einfluesse auf die Freizeitmobilitaet 18- bis 24-Jaehriger / The impact of housing scheme structures on the mobility of 18-24 year-olds during their leisure time

Junge Menschen ueben in der Altersklasse von 18 bis 24 Jahren einen Grossteil ihrer Freizeitaktivitaeten ausser Haus aus. In ihrer Freizeit sind sie haeufig abends oder nachts und ueberwiegend mit individuellen Verkehrsmitteln wie Pkw und Motorrad unterwegs. Das Risiko in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt zu werden, ist fuer diese Altersgruppe besonders hoch. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass mit abnehmender Siedlungsdichte das bevoelkerungsbezogene Risiko der Verkehrsunfallbeteiligung junger Menschen im Freizeitverkehr steigt. Dieser Effekt ist in den neuen Bundeslaendern staerker ausgepraegt als in den alten. Genaueren Aufschluss ueber die Ursachen siedlungsstruktureller und regionaler Unterschiede in der Unfallgefaehrdung junger Menschen lieferte eine Untersuchung zur Freizeitmobilitaet, deren Methodik einleitend beschrieben wird. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Untersuchung werden wiedergegeben. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Young adults in the age group of 18-24 pursue a great deal of their spare time activities outside their homes. During these hours of leisure time, in the evening or at night, they tend to rely on individual means of transport such as private cars or motorcycles. The risk of becoming involved in road accidents is particularly high in this age group, and the correlation is apparent between the structure of housing schemes and nighttime road accidents. The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) has undertaken a nation-wide survey - based on written replies - that covered the mobility preferences of some two thousand 18-24 year-olds in the course of a typical day during the working week and during the weekend. The subsequent evaluation has taken into account the impact of housing scheme structures and regional peculiarities while paying special attention to demographic factors. The results of the survey have shown that private cars or motorcycles are predominantly used by 18-24 year-olds for nearly two thirds of the trips undertaken during their leisure time. In the case of visits to discos, the share of private means of transport is 87 percent compared with the attendance of other entertainment and leisure venues. Those individuals who are not happy with the cinema programmes on offer or the discos available near their normal places of residence, tend to travel longer distances to look for suitable entertainment. Housing scheme structures affecting leisure time mobility, are apparent among residents in densely populated parts of cities compared with those living in areas of lower population density. Road usage of residents in a conurbation is lower than in the case of residents in rural areas. In the newly-formed German states, road usage is lower during the working week than in West Germany while the average number of passengers per car is higher than in the West. Based on the above findings, recommendations are put forward with regard to preventing accidents. (A)

  • Authors:
    • SCHWEER, I R
  • Publication Date: 2002


  • German

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01196406
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Oct 7 2010 4:25PM