Drenaje de tuneles

Tunnel drainage

Reconocida actualmente la indudable importancia del drenaje tanto durante la construccion de un tunel como en su posterior explotacion, se analizan en este articulo los condicionantes geologicos, geotecnicos e hidrogeologicos que determinan la afluencia de agua en la etapa constructiva y, en consecuencia, las medidas tendentes a controlar sus efectos tanto sobre la estabilidad y seguridad de la obra como sobre la afeccion a los acuiferos atravesados por el tunel. Se hace tambien hincapie en la relacion entre drenaje e impermeabilizacion y, por ultimo, se dan algunas indicaciones de tipo practico respecto a los dispositivos habitualmente utilizados para la impermeabilizacion y el drenaje de la plataforma, con referencia especialmente a los tuneles de carreteras. (A). English abstract: At present, the doubtless importance of drainage both during the construction phase of a tunnel as well as in its exploitation is acknowledged. Thus, in this article, the geological, as well as the geotechnical and hydrogeological factors that determine the inflows during the construction and, in consequence, the measures aimed to control their effects both on the stability and security of the excavation as well as on the aquifer´s evolution affected by the tunnel, are analysed. Emphasis is also given to the relation between drainage and sealing up and, as a result, some practical indications with respect to the waterproofing and the drainage of the platform, particularly for road tunnels, are also specified. (A).


  • Spanish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01183095
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX)
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Oct 7 2010 11:11AM