A study on improving the traffic safety on the E18 and connecting roads in the traffic between Finland and Russia

Liikenneturvallisuuden parantaminen E18-tiella ja siihen liittyvilla Suomen ja Venajan valisilla liikenneyhteyksilla.

Descriptions of the actions in order to improve the traffic safety on the E18 road are presented as the results of this study. The study consists of three parts: (1) account of present state, (2) definition of goal state and (3) selection of actions. The account of present state described the present structure of the E18 road connection and the established plans for improvement and the safety situation of the different road sections. The literature survey collected the observations from the publications, reports and memorandums published thus far. New information was gathered by an interview study of Russian drivers and by interviewing the representatives of ASMAP (The Association of International Road Transport Carriers in Russia). The study considered also the other roads important for the Russian traffic connected with the E18. The goal state of the traffic safety was defined based on the material. The goal state of the E18 road connection is motorway level road from Turku to Vaalimaa and that the border crossing between Finland and Russia is fluent. The measures to be implemented in the traffic safety project were divided under the following topics: Information material, creation of education in Russia, prediction and control of traffic flows in Finland, rationalisation of control and preparation for future changes. The suggested actions were divided further into the ones to be implemented in Russia and the ones implemented in Finland but aimed at Russians and the border traffic. As one of the means aiming at improving safety on the E 18 road the Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland implements the traffic safety project "Improving the traffic safety of the heavy vehicles on the E18 road in Northwestern Russia in 2007-2008". The purpose of the project is to improve the traffic safety on the E18 road in the Russian side of the border. The most important means of implementing the project are research, information and instruction, control and education. This report may be found at http://www.mintc.fi/oliver/upl669-LVM22_2007.pdf


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01081657
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 978-952-201-872-4
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Nov 29 2007 1:00PM