Citizens, decision-makers, traffic safety and decision-making

Kansalaiset, paattajat, liikenneturvallisuus ja paatoksentekoprosessi

The study focused on the opinions of the Members of Parliament (MP) concerning traffic safety issues and their conception of the views of ordinary citizens on the same issues. The study was based on a questionnaire, and the MPs' answers were compared to the answers from an earlier, identical citizens' questionnaire. Five MPs and two representatives of interest groups were also interviewed. An analysis was made of the discussion in the Parliament on traffic safety issues, as well as the legislation and the decision-making process between the years 2001-05. The questionnaire was answered by 40 (20%) MPs. Their opinions were traffic safety oriented and mirrored the opinions of the citizens. The MPs were somewhat stricter on some issues compared to the citizens. The interviewed MPs found the goals of the Road Safety Programme for 2001-2005 to be basically sound, although unrealistic. Traffic safety was considered as one value among other competing values (economic considerations, level of service. The analysis of the traffic safety legislation showed that many of the safety measures put forward in the Road Safety Programme has been carried out. The analysis of the decision-making process, and the interviews, showed that hearing of experts and the work conducted in the Transport and Communications Committee is central for the process. The study concluded that the situation is positive as far as improving traffic safety is concerned.Both the MPs and the citizens' proposals for safety measures were targAeted on the drivers as individuals. Measures targeted at the traffic system should be used more in the future so that the whole spectrum of measures is utilized. The importance of traffic safety research should be further developed as a part of the decision-making process. Selection of experts and their hearing plays a central role in the legislation process and the work in the Committee. The information given by these experts, and the opinions they express are important ways to influence the contents of Government bills. Developing the communication and co-operation between the decision-making parties (researchers, experts, interest groups, the Transport and Communications Committee, and MPs) makes it easier to promote traffic safety measures in the future. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

Media Info

  • Pagination: 117p
  • Serial:
    • Issue Number: 1/2006

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01038025
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 952-201-088-X
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 19 2006 10:13AM