Transport system and good land use planning. A literature survey

Liikennejarjestelman kannalta hyva yhdyskuntarakenne ja maankaytto. Kirjallisuusselvitys maankayton ja liikenteen vuorovaikutuksesta

This literature survey considered the impacts of land use relocation and the resulting urban size, form and structure on transport systems. Also the experiences of the coordination of land use and transport planning measures were studied. The size of urban structure affects the efficiency of public transport measures but generally it does not have an impact on overall demand. Urban form develops from a single point into linear and radial structures and further on into a network with multiple centres. Radial structure is the most common and also economical with medium-sized and large settlements. A good starting point for land use planning is to utilise the existing public transport corridors. Dense structure is economical in terms of energy consumption and for non-motorised and public transport. This is possible with low-rise buildings also. A proper mix of different functions reduces the need for travel. Supplementary planning reduces the need for new land, infrastructure and transport systems. Land use planning should enable the restructuring of the urban functions so that the costs and externalities of transport can be minimised. This is possible when the transport and land use measures are integrated properly to have the best combination of effects to enhance urban sustainability. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01038009
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-798-581-9
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 19 2006 10:11AM