Sympathetic Choice: Fitting With the Italian Landscape

The designers of a new bridge in Lenna, Italy faced a challenging set of constraints in the preliminary design stage. The landscape of the region, the proximity of a multi-arch stone bridge being used as a pedestrian and cycle route, and the consideration of clearance for the river flow, which can flood during the spring and fall rain, meant that a single-span solution would be the most suitable. The designers wanted to create a modern structure, but one that could blend into the mountain setting. A hybrid central steel arch, where the crown is no higher then the highest point of the stone bridge, based on a bowstring structure was selected. This structure reduced the section depth to the absolute minimum, allowing the clearance of the river to occur without building ramps or raising the road axis.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01026636
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 3 2006 8:11AM