Speed effects of automatic camera enforcement on main road 51

Automaattisen kameravalvonnan nopeusvaikutukset kantatiella 51

The study looked at changes in vehicle speeds after the installation of automatic speed enforcement on main road 51. The length of the road section under surveillance was 42.5 km between the cities of Kirkkonummi and Karjaa in Southern Finland. The before-and-after study consisted of spot speed measurements using inductive loops and travel speed measurements using the license plate method. Spot speed measurements were conducted during summer (100 km/h) and winter (80 km/h) speed limits. Travel speeds were measured only in summer. The study did not consider how effectively the enforcement was conducted. The mean spot speeds decreased at all six measurement points by 1.5-4.4 km/h (speed limit 100 km/h) immediately after automatic enforcement was introduced. The effect was almost the same a year after the beginning of enforcement (the speeds decreased by 1.1-3.5 km/h). All six measurement points showed a similar result also during winter speed limits (the speeds decreased by 1.5-4.9 km/h). As a control, speed data from five other measurement points outside the surveillance road section were collected. They did not show the decrease in mean spot speeds. Speed limit exceedings over 20 km/h halved at all surveillance area measurement spots immediately after automatic enforcement. Again, the effect was almost the same a year after the beginning of enforcement. Correspondingly, speed limit exceedings of 11-20 km/h decreased at least by a fourth at every measurement point. Speed limit exceedings over 20 km/h during wintertime halved at three measurement points and at three others decreased at least by a third. Also the wintertime proportion of speed limit exceedings of 11-20 km/h decreased at least by a quarter at every measurement point. However, the proportion of these exceedings remained at 10-20% after enforcement during wintertime. The mean travel speed decreased by 2.1 km/h in the direction of Kirkkonummi but not in the direction of Karjaa. However, the standard deviation of speed reduced in the direction of Karjaa. The number of overtakings halved in both directions. This report is found at http://alk.tiehallinto.fi/julkaisut/pdf/3200903-vautomkamvalvvaik.pdf


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01014076
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-803-377-3
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 22 2005 1:56PM