Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. The growth of Jakarta is increasing, bringing with it paralyzing traffic congestion. The city has responded by planning to build a modern subway system (mass rapid transit system), connecting Blok M and Setasiun Kota. This system is believed by many to be able to solve congestion, particularly, in the North-South corridor of the city. The subway system is an ideal transportation system for big cities like Jakarta. To civic and political leaders it promises glamour and sophistication, and to urban planners it promises resolution of overwhelming traffic congestion. However, there are some aspects that need to be reviewed carefully before the implementation of the plan. Those aspects could be far more difficult and costly than was ever imagined in the planning phase. This paper explores the rationale for the Jakarta Subway Project. The discussion includes the need to have a subway transportation system, the benefits to the city, and the cost to build it. It is partly true that the subway system, which has a great capacity to move people, is the only system, which can be used to solve chaotic road conditions in Jakarta, since no other urban transportation mode has a bigger capacity to move people than this one. However, the financial and economic viability associated with this project need to be justified carefully.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00964405
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 087659229X
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: Oct 21 2003 12:00AM