The dynamic performance of electric power systems during disturbances is a function of many factors. The effect of these factors varies with the nature and configuration of the electrical system and is complicated due to the interrelated, and sometimes compounding effect of the automatic control equipment which makes up a system. The post-event evaluation of a dynamic system condition requires automatic and instantaneous recording of many system quantities which will show initial conditions, the transient period, the dynamic period, and the steady state or final result of all contributing factors. The instrumentation required to monitor the influence of various system quantities must provide precise records even though separated by great distances and must continue to perform accurately regardless of wide variations in voltage, current or frequency. This report, prepared by the System Instrumentation Task Force of the Dynamic System Performance Working Group, is intended to provide recommendations as to the kind of system instrumentation required which would aid in the carrying out of post-event analyses of dynamic system conditions. Due to the very large number of items that can be monitored, it will be obviously necessary to restrict such instrumentation to that which provides the most meaningful data. Provided in this report is a list of suggested instrumentation which may be chosen based on the needs of a particular system. As such, it is the intent that data recorded in one system may be directly related to to data recorded in another system to provide that information which is required to analyze, (and perhaps ultimately control), the dynamic performance of electric systems. It should be noted that such instrumentation should be capable of accurately recording the performance of stable, as well as unstable operating modes such that computer studies of these conditions can be made for post analysis purposes. High speed automatic oscillographs are now available in both magnetic and direct recording types to provide quick response, long duration, pre-fault (or initiation) recording. Such devices, which are widely accepted for analysis of protective relay operation and, with certain precautionary provisions, are well suited for monitoring system quantities for the purpose of post analysis of system dynamic performance. Appropriately initiated, these devices can be keyed (on a realtime basis) to high speed, sequential, event recorders, as well as to slower chart type instruments, to monitor the operation of a large number of devices, if desired. Therefore, equipment to be discussed in the recommendations are, for the most part, available commercially and have given a high degree of reliable operation.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

    3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor
    New York, NY  United States  10016-5997
  • Publication Date: 1972-7

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00035228
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 1N4
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 27 1972 12:00AM