Subsidence of the ground surface above abandoned coal mines can cause serious damage to highways, buildings, and other facilities. Two categories of techniques used in controlling subsidence are selective support for structures and filling of voids caused by past mining operations. The particular method used must be adapted to the local geologic setting and the mining methods that were employed in extracting the coal as well as the support requirements of the structure, because these factors vary within any given site and from one locality to another. This paper presents a case history of subsidence control for an electric substation. The subsurfaces stabilization techniques used included drilled piers and piling for support of the structures, and grout columns and dry fly ash injection for support of the roadways. /Author/

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References;
  • Pagination: p. 17-24
  • Monograph Title: Subsidence over mines and caverns, moisture and frost actions, and classification
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00158163
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0309025885
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Sep 28 1977 12:00AM