A thematic mapping project is being performed featuring multispectral remote sensing, interactive computer analysis, and extensive participation by land use planners in Utah. A test site in the Salt Lake City area was flown in July 1973. The organization in Utah have organized in study groups for land use, water resources, vegetation-soils, geology-geomorphology, and imagery. Interactive analysis of the data is being conducted with an XDS-930 computer, facilities for digitizing film or analog magnetic tape, black and white and color output display devices, and an alphanumeric terminal for operator communication with the computer.
Supplemental Notes:
- Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 15-19, 1974.
Corporate Authors:
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Willow Run Laboratory, 3300 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI United States 48105Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Willow Run Laboratory, 3300 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI United States 48105 -
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1974
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 537-547
- Volume: 9
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Computer graphics; Geology; Image processing; Imagery; Information processing; Land use; Land use planning; Mapping; Regional planning; Remote sensing; Soils; Vegetation; Water resources
- Uncontrolled Terms: Interactive graphics; Multispectral imagery
- Old TRIS Terms: Maps and mapping
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Design; Economics; Geotechnology; Highways; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00156393
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Engineering Index
- Report/Paper Numbers: Proceeding
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 29 1977 12:00AM