Construction innovation offers the potential for significant company, industry, and societal benefits. The objective of this paper is to present five models of construction innovation that can provide a basis upon which companies can select and implement the innovations. Based upon current management and economic theories of innovations, the models reflect the unique conditions of constructed facilities, including the scale, complexity, and longevity of the facilities, as well as their organizational and social contexts. The innovations are differentiated by their degree of change from current practice, and their links to other components and systems. The five models are incremental, modular, architectural, system, and radical innovations. Using this categorization of innovations, companies can plan their implementation activities with respect to timing of commitment, coordination among the project team, special resources, and level of supervisory activity. Examples of construction innovations in each category are discussed.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 00750601
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jun 30 1998 12:00AM