The technical program of the American Helicopter Society's 52nd Annual Forum and Technology Display, FORUM 52, covers the latest in vertical flight technology. These proceedings contain the papers presented during two and one-half days of intense discussion. The technical sessions are organized along the lines of the Technical Council of the American Helicopter Society. Twenty-five sessions, grouped into five parallel technical areas (aeromechanics, system integration, vehicle design, vehicle integrity, operations and product support) are supported by 157 speakers and alternates. The papers presented were selected by members of the Society's Technical Committees from abstracts offered in response to a call for papers in August 1995. The American Helicopter Society Forum brings together vertical flight specialists from an international cross section of academia, industry and government. FORUM 52 is more than technical presentations as it includes exhibits from a broad spectrum of the vertical flight community and special events. An opening general session titled "Technology Without Borders" covers the goals and objectives of the international vertical lift community. A second seminar on "JAST '96: Developing the Future Joint Air Strike Fighter" reported the latest program plans for this international development. A VTOL/STOVL special session focused on JAST technology. Two special sessions on "System Health and Usage Monitoring" highlighted the latest technical accomplishments in this new discipline that offers substantial increases in safety and reliability with the potential for lower overall costs. The papers in Volume 1 are organized according to the following topics: Acoustics; Dynamics I; Avionics and Systems; Aircraft Design I; Structures and Materials I; Product Support Panel; Aerodynamics I; Flight Simulation; Integrated Manufacturing Process and Control Technology I; Military Operations; Dynamics II; and Handling Qualities I. The papers in Volume 2 are arranged by the following topics: Structures and Materials II; Test and Evaluation; Aeroacoustics; Crew Stations and Human Factors; Aircraft Design II; VTOL/STOVL Aircraft; Crash Safety; System Health and Usage Monitoring I; Aerodynamics II; Handling Qualities II; Propulsion; Integrated Manufacturing Process and Control Technology II; and System Health and Usage Monitoring II. Appendix 3 Addendum contains papers not available at the time that Volumes 1 and 2 were printed.
Corporate Authors:
American Helicopter Society
217 N Washington Street
Alexandria, VA United States 22314-2538 - Publication Date: 1996
- English
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Photos; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 1966 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Acoustics; Aerodynamic noise; Aerodynamics; Aircraft; Aircraft materials; Airframes; Avionics; Conferences; Crashworthiness; Diagnostic tests; Dynamics; Flight simulators; Handling characteristics; Helicopters; Human factors; Manufacturing; Military organizations; Propulsion; Ship operations; Shipboard personnel; Tests; Vehicle design; Vehicle power plants; VTOL aircraft
- Uncontrolled Terms: Aircraft design; Diagnostics; Flight simulation; Handling; Military operations; Propulsion systems
- Old TRIS Terms: Aeroacoustics; Aircraft structures; Crew stations; Test and evaluation; Vertical flight technology
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Design; Marine Transportation; Safety and Human Factors; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00725013
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 30 1996 12:00AM