This paper considers the two-phase flow associated with a submerged gas release. A new series of experimental observations is presented in which the axial velocity of the liquid phase, the gas concentrations within the bubble plume, and the radial velocities near the water surface were measured within a laboratory environment. The results are compared with the existing Gaussian formulations, and a new numerical approximation which is based upon a simplified k-epsilon turbulence model. This latter solution was originally developed in the context of a gas stirred metallurgical flow, but is shown to be equally applicable to the description of an underwater blowout. Experimental data suggest that an empirically modified Gaussian solution cannot provide a consistent description of both the axial velocities and the gas concentrations. In contrast, the numerical model provides a reasonable description of the entire flow field. In particular, the large radial velocities occuring near the water surface are shown to be associated with a re-circulation of the liquid phase. It is a description of these velocities which is required to determine the stability of a surface vessel or structure located in the vicinity of a subsea blowout.
Supplemental Notes:
- Appl Ocean Res, v 15 n 5, 1993, p 269 [12 p, 24 ref, 9 fig]
- Swan, C
- Moros, A
- Publication Date: 1993
- English
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Blowouts; Hydrodynamics; Multiphase flow
- Subject Areas: Hydraulics and Hydrology; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00716082
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Feb 28 1996 12:00AM