The first physical infrastructure breakout group represented diverse interests and had a significant representation from the maritime area. Participants agreed that the four major program objectives for physical infrastructure research and development (R&D), as set forth in the National Science and Technology Council's Strategic Implementation Plan, acceptably set a framework for discussion, comment, and analysis; however, three of the four subgroups in this session called for national strategic assessment and modeling as a first priority. The group identified the need for model development techniques for total transportation system assessment and optimization. The group selected the following as the most influential characteristics of a national R&D program: (1) Such a program can be national or international in scope and cross modal with emphasis on intermodal linkages; and (2) Such a program can lead to system efficiencies--control strategies--and can harmonize designs, specifications, and so forth to better control costs. The second physical infrastructure breakout session began with a brief overview of the main points of the Transportation Physical Infrastructure section of the Strategic Implementation Plan. The group discussed the four goals set forth in the Strategic Implementation Plan. It was pointed out that R&D by itself will not reduce the backlog of physical infrastructure needs; that with sufficient funding, the backlog would be eliminated anyway, using current technology; and that what R&D can provide is more effective technology and methods that allow more to be done with limited funding. The group pointed out that improving the performance of the infrastructure was not simply a matter of making physical improvements; that other approaches, including traffic operations management and economic incentives, may be equally effective; and that the wording of the goals should be revised to reflect these concerns. The group agreed with the six proposed R&D thrusts in the Strategic Implementation Plan. The group believed that the interrelationships with other subcommittees could not be ignored, and recommended that a study be made of ways to overcome institutional barriers that hinder the widespread use of innovative technologies in constructing and maintaining the physical infrastructure. The group recommended standards be set for physical infrastructure and maintenance to establish performance benchmarks for which the private sector can aim, and periodic reevaluation of these benchmarks. The group also recommended that it, or a similar group, be convened periodically in the future to evaluate the progress of the physical infrastructure R&D program.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Pagination: p. 59-63
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00713055
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0309061679
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Oct 20 1995 12:00AM