A new model capable of making deterministic pavement-damage predictions based on realistic traffic and environmental loading has been developed and is called whole-life pavement-performance model (WLPPM). A vehicle simulation generates dynamic tire forces that are a function of distance along the pavement. In combination with the appropriate pavement primary-response influence functions, these tire forces give primary-response histories at regularly spaced points along the pavement. Those primary-response histories are transformed into an increment of damage at each point along the pavement due to a single vehicle pass, and the surface-roughness profile is updated. This procedure is repeated until pavement failure occurs. The performance of two classes of pavement are examined using the WLPPM, operating under climatic conditions typical of the United Kingdom. Investigators conclude that dynamic vehicle loads and asphalt-layer stiffness variations can significantly influence long-term flexible pavement performance.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00712761
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: Oct 25 1995 12:00AM