The particular aspect of the problem discussed is the simulation of the physical dimensions of vessels, given only their net registered tonnage, since this is commonly the only parameter available. (Most shipping data recorded by ports, governments and other bodies is published in terms of some tonnage.) This single tonnage parameter, rather than the length, beam and draught of a ship is often inconvenient for the researcher concerned with how shipping can best be passed through constrictions such as locks. In such situations a knowledge of physical dimensions is necessary. The particular problem considered here arise from knowing a year's shipping traffic to and from the Bristol Channel ports in terms of net registered tonnage (nrt) for each vessel. If a barrage were built across the channel all shipping would have to be locked into and out of the river estuary. Problems arising include deciding on the best arrangement and sizes of locks and the optimum operating policy. The foregoing sections summarise a simple and computationally efficient means whereby typical ship geometry may be simulated for a given tonnage (nrt) size. On the basis of these rules a short ALGOL procedure was produced to perform this sequence of operations to give as output three numbers corresponding to Length, Beam and Draught. Although nrt was used as the input parameter merely as a point of convenience, other tonnage sizes may be also used, having first made suitable modifications to the simulator. Gross tonnage and deadweight tonnage bear a linear relationship to nrt.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • "The Increasing Size of Bulk Carriers and Containerships with some Implications for Port Facilities", National Ports Council Technical Bulletin No. 5, 1969, page 187.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Foxlow Publications Limited

    19 Harcourt Street
    London W1H 2AX,   England 
  • Authors:
    • Deazeley, A W
  • Publication Date: 1971-12

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00032241
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 28 1972 12:00AM