The article summarizes a report made by the Singapore Division, Institute of Materials Handling, Unit-load (Shrinkwrap) Subcommittee on the feasibility of setting up a shrinkwrapping installation at the Port of Singapore. Certain advantages of shrinkwrapping makes the process attractive to shippers of palletized cargo, such as pallet load stability, weatherproof loads, pilferage deterrent, stock control, etc., are enumerated. The sleeve wrap, full over wrap, and pallet wrap are briefly described. The buying and operating costs of the Shrinkwrapping equipment are described both in the test and in a table, based on the assumption that 210 tons of cargo are palletized each day. The study has not been made by the authors to date of the extent to which shippers and agents would shrinkwrap their cargo, nor to the demand for the service. The conclusion is reached that it would be an economically feasible proposition for the Port of Singapore Authority to set up a shrinkwrapping facility.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Prepared by the Unit-Load (Shrink -Wrap) Subcommittee of Institute of Materials Handling Singapore/Malaysia Division
  • Corporate Authors:

    Temprint Press, Limited

    65-66 Turnmill Street
    London EC1M 5RA,   England 
  • Publication Date: 1971-7

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00028752
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 28 1972 12:00AM