While not easy to administer, about 31 percent of U.S. transit systems have fare zones generally instituted as a matter of equity. While the transition from private firms to subsidized public agencies was marked by elimination of many zone fares, agencies retaining zones were willing either to accept the administrative costs or had not had the time to appraise these traditional practices. Two case studies--Green Bay, WI, and the Pioneer Valley region of Massachusetts provide contrasting methods for dealing with modernization of fare zones. Green Bay eliminated zones and instituted a systemwide flat fare. It was found that both ridership and revenue increased while a more modern operation was achieved. Pioneer Valley Transit Authority serves western Massachusetts communities of Springfield, Chicopee, Holyoke, Northampton and Amherst along with other portions of the two counties involved. Until 1982 the complicated zone boundaries and extra zone charges were holdovers from the pre-PVTA days. Much inequity was represented by the zone boundaries. Geography of the region did not permit concentric zones but more equitable limits were established and simplified fares instituted. Factors other than distance/fare equity which go into these decisions were found to be ease of administration, understandability, geography, political acceptability and ridership/revenue repercussions.

  • Authors:
    • Reynolds, T J
  • Publication Date: 1985

Media Info

  • Pagination: p. 23-37
  • Serial:
    • Publisher: Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00455020
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 27 2004 10:00PM