Investment Attractiveness of the Area for Marine Farming and Marine Aquaculture Target Species

Based on the designed system of indicators to evaluate the investment attractiveness of the area for marine farming and the target species for marine aquaculture using expert assessment and ABC methods, the research identifies the most significant, fundamental factors that create the investment attractiveness of the marine aquaculture component of the regional fishery complex. It is proved that the investment attractiveness of the area for marine farming and the amount of financial investments in marine aquaculture objects, first of all, depend on the formation of the appropriate organizational and institutional support, namely reducing the degree of business overregulation (simplifying the conditions for allocation of fishery grounds, the procedure for obtaining permission to grow target marine aquaculture species and certification systems for fishery and farming grounds) and ensuring the effectiveness of the mechanism for control and supervision of the illegal harvesting of marine aquaculture species.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01770462
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 26 2021 9:34AM