The Effect of Floe Shape on the Interaction of Vertical-Sided Structures With Broken Ice

In the interaction of broken ice with vertical-sided structures, the ice floe shape can have a significant influence on the ice loads experienced by the structure. The floe shape is especially important in clearance-dominated interaction regimes. This study investigates the effect of floe shape on the clearance-dominated interactions between a vertical-sided circular structure and an unconfined broken ice field. First, the study shows that the floe shape effect exists. Then, the study focusses on the mechanisms responsible for the floe shape effect by comparing aspects of the interaction mechanism between the broken ice field and the structure. The effect of floe shape on the propagation and dissipation of forces in the broken ice field and the effects on the energy dissipation mechanisms are quantified in order to gain more insight in the processes responsible for the floe shape effect. The results show that both the mean value and the standard deviation of ice loads on a vertical-sided structure are higher in a broken ice field with square floe shapes than in a broken ice field with natural floe shapes. The higher mean load appears to be the result of a larger network of force chains in the broken ice around the structure. The force networks seem to have similar properties otherwise.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01745203
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 15 2020 9:12AM