A Quantitative Analysis on the Road Network Connectivity Focusing the Influence of Administrative Boundaries

Road networks are essential as sphere of daily life expanding. However, since roads are planned and developed for each municipality, it is not clear whether they can meet the demand for daily travels. In this study, focusing on roads connecting adjacent municipalities, the authors propose indicators to quantitatively measure their connectivity and clarify their tendency. First, the authors find out that the connectivity degree on administrative boundaries is around 0.42 on average. The connectivity is remarkably affected by terrain features, such as mountains and rivers, but even in places without these features, variations can also be observed. Second, roads with lower hierarchy level tend to be more easily affected by administrative boundaries than higher level. Third, in city planning areas and urbanization promotion areas, connectivity is higher than national average, with 0.65 and 1.07, respectively.


  • English
  • Japanese

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01722882
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • Files: TRIS, JSTAGE
  • Created Date: Nov 19 2019 2:09PM