Health Effects of Pollution on the Residential Population Near a Brazilian Airport: A Perspective Based on Literature Review

Airport is an important source of air and noise pollution. Acute and chronic exposure to air pollution is harmful to human health with proven effects ranging from coryza, to eye irritation, and even to death. Both acute and chronic exposure to noise pollution are harmful to human health and have been related to cardiovascular diseases, hearing loss, cognitive disorders, sleep disorders, tinnitus and respiratory changes. It is plausible to consider that residing near airports increases the likelihood of developing health problems or exacerbate pre-existing conditions. In this study, the authors review the effects of pollution from airport activity on the health of the resident population located in the city of Guarulhos, near the International Airport of São Paulo. To perform this narrative review, a comprehensive search of published scientific literature on PubMed and a search in reference lists of selected papers were applied. There is a widespread scarcity of international scientific literature relating to health effects of air and noise pollution on residents living near airports; none exists in Latin America. In general, airport activity is an important source of air and noise pollutants. Areas close to airports are usually more polluted. It is plausible to speculate that residing near airports (including São Paulo International Airport) increases the likelihood of developing health problems or exacerbating pre-existing conditions. Considering the volume and importance of air transport to society, it is incumbent to invest in mitigating alternatives to improve air quality and reduce noise around airports.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01711684
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 22 2019 7:58AM