Development of an evaluation template for the reaccreditation of Traffic-Safe Municipalities

Utvikling av mal for evaluering av Trafikksikker kommune

Norwegian municipalities can influence traffic safety in many different ways. In 2015 the Norwegian road safety organisation Trygg Trafikk (Safe Traffic) launched the accreditation scheme Traffic-Safe Municipality. The purpose of the scheme includes to define criteria for systematic and coherent traffic safety work at municipality level. The first Traffic-Safe Municipality was approved in August 2015, and there is a plan to reapprove accredited municipalities after a period of three years. The main aim of the current study was to develop a template to guide the evaluation of Trygg Trafikk’s Traffic-Safe Municipality scheme. It has been a request from the principals that the template should be used for reaccreditation, and that it should focus on the "soft" aspects (e.g. ways of thinking, attitudes) of Traffic-Safe Municipalities. The work to develop the template was guided by interviews, field work, literature studies, questionnaires and study of accident levels. The proposed template was tested out in three municipalities accredited for varying lengths of time. The municipality that had been accredited for the longest time scored more positively on measures of familiarity with the scheme, increased focus on (traffic) safety at work and new ways to think about safety. Likewise, greater shares in this municipality reported improvements in traffic safety for themselves, colleagues, end-users and inhabitants, as a result of the scheme. An apparent correlation between length of time as an accredited Traffic-Safe Municipality and self-reported effects indicates that the template works as a tool to guide reaccreditation. As a result of the questionnaire, the authors excluded 19 questions from the template. The data and design are insufficient to assess the effects of Traffic Safe Municipalities. The authors have a little and biased sample, no control groups or pre measurements.


  • English
  • Norwegian

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Appendices; Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 104p
  • Serial:
  • Publication flags:

    Open Access (libre)

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01668827
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9788248020943
  • Contract Numbers: 4379
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 10 2018 9:21AM