Preliminary findings from the first Australian national survey of public opinion about automated and driverless vehicles

In late 2016, a sub-set of members of ADVI’s Scientific Research Group designed and conducted a public opinion survey to gauge Australian public awareness, understanding and likely acceptance of partly- and fully-automated vehicles, with the primary focus on cars. Undertaken across all Australian States and Territories, and weighted for demographic composition, this is the first Australian national survey of national public opinion about partly- and fully-automated vehicles. Responses from 5263 participants were collected and analysed in relation to their level of awareness of automated vehicles generally, and their opinions specifically about partly- and fully-automated cars: perceived risks associated with them, their willingness to pay for them, perceived potential benefits, trust in them, perceived concerns and likely acceptance. This report documents the first set of high-level findings from the survey. They are: 1. Most Australians are aware of automated vehicle functions, but very few have experienced them. 2. The community has concerns about many issues relating to fully-automated cars. 3. Less than half of all respondents are willing to pay more for fully-automated cars than for their existing car. 4. Most agree that there are many potential benefits from fully-automated cars. 5. Most people are comfortable with automated cars controlling most driving functions. 6. People are least comfortable with automated cars changing lanes by themselves and following cars ahead too closely. 7. People are more comfortable about taking control than giving control to partly-automated cars. 8. Most people would like to drive a fully-automated car manually, from time to time. 9. Less than half of people think that fully-automated cars could be safer than a car driven manually by a human. 10. Females and males think differently about fully-automated cars, on some issues. 11. People in different Australian States and Territories think differently about automated cars.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 24p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01643893
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • ISBN: 9781876592851
  • Files: ITRD, ATRI
  • Created Date: Aug 21 2017 11:43AM