Pathways to Sustainable Transport among Norwegian Crafts and Service Workers

Strategier for bærekraftig transport blant Norske håndverks -og servicebedrifter

This report documents results from a study of Norwegian crafts -and service companies (C&S) that have adopted electric utility vehicles (EUVs) and/or mobile management applications (MAs)-two technologies that are believed to be of crucial importance for the development of more efficient and sustainable mobility among such enterprises in the future urban landscapes. Currently, adoption of EUVs among C&S enterprises in Norway is low, but there seems to be a strong interest for a wider use in the future. For the smaller craft enterprises today's financial incentives are particularly important for their motivation to adopt electric vehicles, while for the somewhat larger service enterprises benefits related to environmental issues and greener company images are of greater importance. Mobile Management Applications largely affects the travel patterns in the enterprises, but the potential to reduce the amount of travel is currently uncertain. Analyses of driving patterns among a sample of C&S enterprises shows that a replacement of diesel vehicles with electric cars be relatively easily done for 37% of the vehicles, representing 13% of the total transport work. However, an increase in the range of electric vehicles by 50%, or charging of the cars during the day, could increase the number of replaceable vehicles to 64% and the transport work carried out with EUVs to 41%. This would then result in a 41% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from all vehicles in the C& S sector.


  • English
  • Norwegian

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Figures; Maps; Photos; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 90p
  • Serial:
  • Publication flags:

    Open Access (libre)

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01633280
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9788248013167
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 28 2017 10:42AM