Mind the Gap: Assessing the Impacts of Bicycle Accessibility and Mobility on Mode Share in Washington, D.C.

The District of Columbia is enjoying rapid growth in cycling, evident through trends in census mode share data and in the presence of more cyclists out on the street. The District Department of Transportation (DOT) has spent significant resources in the past two decades to improve active transportation planning, outreach, and infrastructure delivery. These efforts have led to the District’s recognition as a cycling-friendly city. Now the District DOT is taking stock of what has been done to improve cycling thus far and to determine what to do next. The District DOT is starting to ask what is driving the growth in the cycling mode share. How can the District understand, nurture, and expand on that growth in the cycling mode share? This study explored under­lying relationships in which the District’s cycling mode share was present. The analysis dug deeply by doing (a) a statistical analysis to identify key factors that influenced cycling and (b) a spatial analysis that defined trends in accessibility to cycling facilities and the mobility of the cycling network. Findings from this research will help inform District DOT planners on what policy, operational, outreach, and capital investment levers to consider as they continue to promote cycling in the District going forward.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01623053
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780309460415
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 17-01440
  • Files: PRP, TRIS, TRB, ATRI
  • Created Date: Jan 24 2017 3:15PM