International Relations Development Strategies from the Perspective of Maritime Freight Transport Development

Maritime transport is a catalyst for economic development, being an inexpensive means of transport, which can be profitable even for ordinary goods transport, due to relatively low prices, compared to other forms of transport. The economic development of society, and the development of transport, including maritime transport, took place simultaneously; there is a close interdependence between international economic relation development and the naval transport development: on the one hand, increasing business exchange among states triggers an increasing demand for transport and finally leads to increasing investments for transport development and, on the other hand, transport development (by improving transport means, ports, airports, railways, pipelines, creating new transport routes facilitating commodity exchange and reducing transport costs) has an active influence on international commodity exchange development


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01614548
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 25 2016 9:59AM