There is no shortage of LPG tank cars in Canada, but merely a need for better utilization of existing equipment. Existing tank car capacity for LPG is estimated at over 560 million gal, capable of transporting some 6.7 billion gal/yr. In 1971, total fleet shipments amounted to 3.6 million (sic) gal, indicating little immediate need for new tank cars. A recent trend in tank car leases toward year-round commitment for up to 5 years indicates a system of year-round deliveries to storage points minimize peak shipping demands. Incentive rates could make it more attractive for LPG users to establish such year-round shipments. A proposed program should include (1) discussing split-lease programs, cooperative agreements for a pool of jumbo cars, and the use of smaller capacity cars to satisfy peak demans, (2) exploring methods of further improving turnaround time and railroad's ability to expedite car movements, and (3) developing field storage to smooth seasonal fluctuations and improve both the distribution and year-round utilization of LPG cars.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Sanford Evans Publishing (Alta) Limited

    Ste. 1 5512 McLeod Trail
    Calgary, AB  Canada 
  • Authors:
    • Sullivan, K W
  • Publication Date: 1973-6

Media Info

  • Pagination: p. 16-21
  • Serial:
    • Propane/Canada
    • Volume: 65
    • Publisher: Sanford Evans Publishing (Alta) Limited

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00050131
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: American Petroleum Institute
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 11 1976 12:00AM