Road safety audits in Mexico

The substantial improvement of the highway safety is one of the major concerns among operators of the road infrastructure in different countries. One strategy that is being implemented in Mexico in the last few years for purposes of reducing the accident rate and its associated consequences refers to the application of Road Safety Audits (RSA). In past years the National Center for the Prevention of Accidents (CENAPRA), and the Mexican Transportation Institute (IMT), have implemented training programs for road safety auditors, where one of the objectives is the sound performance of safety inspections. In 2008, at the request from a concessionaire concerned on how to improve the safety levels of the highways it operates, such a concessionaire asked the IMT to carry out a RSA in its own highway network covering a length of 800 kilometers; for such a purpose the IMT, based on the traditional methodology for RSA, developed a process suitable for this type of roads. The paper presented herein describes the methodology applied for performing the RSA and it contains a summary of each of the activities and the most important final results of the process.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Figures; Photos; References;
  • Pagination: 10p
  • Monograph Title: 24th World Road Congress Proceedings: Roads for a Better Life: Mobility, Sustainability and Development

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01500203
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 2840602679
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 27 2013 10:17AM