Estimated Impact of Selected State Department of Transportation Cost Reduction Initiatives and Effective Staffing-to-Workload Recommendations

Due to the economic recession, many states have experienced a reduction in annual revenue and have undertaken cost containment initiatives, such as employee layoffs, employee furloughs, and hiring freezes, to reduce their operating budgets. This study serves a critical role in assisting state DOTs better manage their workforce, including both internal and contractor staff, in an efficient and cost-effective manner by providing an understanding of the potential impacts of cost containment initiatives. This paper first documents the results of a study conducted to identify the impact and costs associated with implementing cost containment initiatives. Data regarding the use and impact of various cost containment initiatives were gathered from state DOT staff though an online survey as well as semi-structured interviews with selected state DOT representatives. Results of this study show the prevalence of cost containment initiative usage, describe potential positive and negative impacts of implementing these initiatives, and provide methods to mitigate potential negative outcomes experienced following implementation. The second part of this paper presents information regarding staffing-to-workload modeling, which can be used the help better understand the staffing needs of a transportation agency. Because implementing some cost containment initiatives can affect staffing levels, staffing-to-workload analysis can be helpful by providing evidence as to why staff reductions or mandatory furloughs are not feasible based workload or show where contractors or consultants may be needed based on a lack of available staff members and the actual workload.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • This paper was sponsored by TRB committee ABC10 Strategic Management.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Transportation Research Board

    500 Fifth Street, NW
    Washington, DC  United States  20001
  • Authors:
    • Cook, Allison
    • Cronin, Brian
    • Horey, Jeff
    • Bond, Alexander
  • Conference:
  • Date: 2013


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 18p
  • Monograph Title: TRB 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01472685
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 13-4041
  • Files: TRIS, TRB, ATRI
  • Created Date: Feb 19 2013 8:52AM