PortNet impact evaluation

PortNetin vaikuttavuuden arviointi

The PortNet is a national information network serving the different parties of maritime cargo transport. The kernel of the system consists of the data submitted to the Finnish Maritime Administration, Finnish Customs and port authorities and the information services provided by them. In addition to these authorities the PortNet community also includes private companies. Currently the PortNet services have about 1300 users. This study evaluated the impact of PortNet and how it should be further developed. The applicability of the guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects in this study was also assessed. PortNet clearly advances the achievement of transport and information socio-political objectives. PortNet is also viable socio-economically. The benefit-cost ratio was estimated as more than 2 even though only the gains for the administrative functions of the main operators of PortNet were taken into account. In addition to these direct economic effects PortNet also produces a lot of qualitative benefits: 1) the progressive operations model between the private and public sectors intensifies the operation modes and co-operation of different parties and the operational preconditions of foreign trade, 2) the indirect benefits to the logistic processes, 3) the improvement of data validity and quality, and ease of work. The operations model of PortNet is even internationally a good example of a functional co-operation model between private and public sectors and it has clear export potential. The benefits of PortNet will increase further as electronic business expands and when new functions and systems are integrated into PortNet. PortNet advances the operation and logistic processes of the parties. The impact of PortNet can be enhanced in addition to developing the technical procedures also by implementing the maritime system architecture, drawing up a business plan for PortNet, promoting the export of the PortNet operation model and organising annual information exchange and co-operation fora of the PortNet parties in order to focus the development needs. It is important to identify and take into account user needs. The guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects created a usable framework for the impact evaluation of PortNet. The Du Pont model used in the guidelines is better suited for business level evaluations than for a broad sector wide economic impact evaluation like PortNet. In the evaluations, one should always remember that the guidelines are to be used in addition to other project evaluation instructions. This report is available at http://www.vtt.fi/rte/projects/fits/ or http://www.mintc.fi


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01015279
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-723-776-6
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jan 12 2006 8:55AM