Evaluation of travel dispatch test centres

Matkojenyhdistelykeskuskokeilujen arviointi

The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the direct economic and socio-economic effects, technological solutions and the quality of operations of six travel dispatch test centres. The aim was to assess both the direct economic effects as well as qualitative effects to society. A further aim was to recognise the positive and negative features in each centre, and to assess the centres' suitability for different operational environments. The scale of operations varied significantly between the centres. The pilots of Pohjois-Savo and SAMPO are clearly larger than the others; the number of trips in Pohjois-Savo totalled up to 250 000 in 2002, whereas in Pietarsaari and Seinajoki the numbers were close to 30 000 in 2002. The number of user groups and municipalities and the population of the area determine the scale of the required operational solution at each centre. The scale of operations, in turn, affects the resource needs of a centre. The study results show that travel dispatch services resulted in direct cost savings to the municipalities and Social Insurance Institution on trips on their responsibility. In addition to direct cost savings, there were also other positive effects. The service level of public transport as a whole and the prerequisites for self-supporting public transport improved. The latter effect is especially important in rural areas and on the outskirts of major cities. On the basis of the results the following recommendations can be made: the pilots should be granted the status of a permanent centre and the concept should be expanded to cover the whole country. Although the rationale for travel dispatch services is always the same, local needs and characteristics must be carefully considered. The resources and readiness for co-operation, of both suppliers and clients, must be taken into account in order to be able to plan and implement the best operational concept. According to the interest group questionnaire, travel dispatch centres enjoy wide acceptance in the society and amongst the clients. Only some taxi operators expressed their doubts about them. In general, the concept is considered as a reasonable and right way to develop society's transport services. Tendering and contract policies have a positive effect on the attitudes of various actors. With the help of a well-planned and managed process it is possible to improve the efficiency and quality of operations. For example, in Pohjois-Karjala region the quality of the fleet improved significantly as a result of tendering. This report is available at http://www.mintc.fi or http://www.mintc.fi/www/sivut/dokumentit/julkaisu/julkaisusarja/2003/a392003.htm


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01015245
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-723-852-5
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jan 12 2006 8:53AM