Road users' satisfaction survey 2002 - a report to the Highways Agency by MVA Limited

Face to face interviews were conducted with 2400 people over 12 months and focus group discussions were held to investigate satisfaction with the UK trunk road and motorway network. The main finding of this report is that satisfaction is higher than in previous surveys except the one in 1999. On their most recent journey 80% of respondents had not experienced any congestion. Congestions caused susbtantial delay to 5% of journeys. Only 5% of journeys were delayed by accidents on the network. Transport managers in companies estimated that delays affected 41% of journeys. The only aspect of service to have shown an improvement since 1999 is accuracy of variable message signs on trunk roads. Users were dissatisfied with the quality of the road surface and the quality of stopping areas. On the trunk roads the lowest scores were for the availability of variable message signs and emergency telephones. Efficient execution of roadworks and routing maintenance was considered important. Business users particularly wanted a reduction in congestion. There had been a slight reduction in the number of people using the highway network to visit relatives or holiday but an increase in the use of the network for work and leisure purposes. Delays caused by accidents ranged from less than 10 minutes (44% of those experiencing delays) to more than one hour (29%). The proportin of vulnerable road users feeling safe when travelling alongside trunk roads had increased from 69% in 1999 to 76% in 2001-2. People considered that there should be more distance between roadworks and that more should be done to reduce accidents.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Highways Agency

    Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay
    Bristol B51 6HA,   United Kingdom 
  • Authors:
    • Dale, M
    • DODD, L
    • WICKS, J
  • Publication Date: 2002


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 41p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01013724
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 22 2005 11:18AM