Chicago Metropolis 2020 is a not-for-profit organization sponsored by the Commercial Club of Chicago which commissioned Daniel Burnham's famous Plan of Chicago, published in 1909. The Commercial Club members were concerned about a number of regional trends, particularly transportation, congestion, sprawl, quality of life, and regional equity. Following Burnham's dictum of "Make no little Plans" Chicago Metropolis commissioned a new plan for the Chicago region. The process followed by Chicago Metropolis to prepare the plan was to prepare several future scenarios, allowing the region to visualize their future and make choices that will lead the region toward their preferred scenario. Three detailed land use scenarios were developed for 2030: a trend scenario, a more compact scenario sketched out by 1000 community leaders, and the Metropolis Plan scenario which assumes less change from the trend scenario than the community leaders scenario. Each scenario distributes households and employment in 30-meter grid cells for six counties of the Chicago region. The transportation scenarios match the three land use scenarios. Each scenario includes a set of highway and transit investments. The trend scenario emphasizes expressways and commuter rail. The community leaders scenario emphasizes multi-modal arterials accommodating pedestrians and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The Metropolis Plan transportation scenario is a blend. A custom travel demand model was adapted from the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (CATS) travel demand model. This model has increased sensitivity to land use patterns and transportation investments. In the trend scenario, vehicle miles of travel (VMT) per capita and congestion increase sharply. The community leaders scenario produces 13 percent less VMT per capita, and 29 percent less congestion delay. The Metropolis Plan scenario gives intermediate results. These results are being used as part of a campaign to encourage the public to choose the future they want rather than simply accepting current trends as destiny.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 21p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00943848
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0935403752
  • Report/Paper Numbers: CD-020
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jun 18 2003 12:00AM