Policy Making Should Consider Time-Dependent Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Transit-Oriented Smart Growth
Cities are developing greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation plans and reduction targets on the basis of a growing body of knowledge about climate change risks, and changes to passenger transportation are often at the center of these efforts. Yet little information exists for characterizing how quickly or slowly GHG emissions reductions will accrue given changes in urban form around transit and whether benefits will accrue quickly enough to meet policy year targets (such as reaching 20% of 1990 GHG emissions levels by 2050). Achieving GHG reductions through integrated transportation and land use planning is even more complicated for cities because changes in emissions can occur across many sectors (such as transportation, building energy use, and electricity generation). With the use of the Los Angeles, California, Expo Line, a framework was developed to assess how financing schemes could affect the rate of building redevelopment and resulting life-cycle GHG emissions from travel and building energy use. The framework leveraged an integrated transportation and land use life-cycle assessment model that captured upfront construction of new development near transit and the long-term changes in household energy use for travel and buildings. The results show that for the same amount of development around the Expo Line, it is possible either to meet state GHG goals by 2050 (if aggressive redevelopment happens early) or not meet those goals by 2050 (if significant redevelopment does not start for decades). The time-based approach reveals how redevelopment schedules should be considered when strategies for meeting future GHG emissions targets are set.
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- Find a library where document is available. Order URL: http://worldcat.org/isbn/9780309369237
- Nahlik, Matthew J
- Chester, Mikhail V
- Publication Date: 2015
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Print
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: pp 53–61
- Monograph Title: Environment and Energy
- Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
- Issue Number: 2502
- Publisher: Transportation Research Board
- ISSN: 0361-1981
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Energy consumption; Greenhouse gases; Land use planning; Life cycle analysis; Policy making; Redevelopment; Smart growth; Strategic planning; Time dependence; Transit oriented development
- Geographic Terms: Los Angeles (California)
- Subject Areas: Environment; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; Public Transportation; I15: Environment; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01551665
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 9780309369237
- Report/Paper Numbers: 15-0254
- Created Date: Jan 27 2015 11:23AM