Risk Factors on Level Crossings

Rizikove faktory na zeleznicnich prejezdech

Every year, about 3 % of total number of road crash casualties in the Czech Republic die in accidents at level crossings. The percentage is relatively high compared to European average 0,8 %, and, by frequent reactions of media, the public perceives the level crossing accidents as serious problem. One of the promising ways of reducing number of level crossing accidents is application of so called tools of safe infrastructure, namely regular and systematic safety inspection of all level crossings using specialized checklist. This method is used e.g. in Germany since 2003, and the reduction of accidents is verifiable and measurable. Also Czech administrators of road and railway infrastructure are more and more interested in elimination of safety defects of level crossings, but they are missing the adequate know-how at the moment. Nevertheless, the Handbook of carrying out of level crossings inspections is already being elaborated in frame of the research project of the Ministry of Transport, "AGATHA".


  • Czech

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01343633
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Centre (CDV)
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jul 11 2011 8:15AM