The report considers the first series of these tests performed by the Coast Guard. It discusses attempts to determine to what extent boats and other lightweight hulls will meet the compliance requirements of the proposed Federal safe loading standard and to investigate other safety problems inherent in such small boats. A series of test procedures are developed. The results indicate that the gross weight capacity as defined in the proposed Federal standard is the controlling factor in assigning capacity to boats such as those tested. The data also show that the existing boating industry Association live load capacity test is a practical way to determine capacity in the offset loading case. The results also indicate that boats of the type tested are generally overpowered. Small lightweight boats are shown to react quickly and violently to load shifts, and also present problems to ahead visibility. Recommendations for future test methods and testing emphasis are made. (Author modified abstract)
Supplemental Notes:
- Report on Recreational Safety Research, Rept. no. 01-72.
Corporate Authors:
United States Coast Guard
Field Testing and Development Center
Baltimore, MD United States -
- O'Connell, J M
- Publication Date: 1972-8
Media Info
- Pagination: 59 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Boats; Evaluation; Hulls; Loads; Recreation; Regulations; Safety; Ships by size; Size; Standards; Test procedures; Tests; Weight
- Uncontrolled Terms: Safety standards; Ship hulls; Small boats; Small craft
- Old TRIS Terms: Cg; Lightweight boats; Loading mechanics; Marine surface propulsion; Test evaluation
- Subject Areas: Law; Marine Transportation; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00047631
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: FTDC-532
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 18 1973 12:00AM