Dynamic Analysis of Railway Transition Curves

Transition curves play an important role in ride quality, especially for high-speed railways. Accordingly, various curves have been proposed as transition forms. To evaluate the effects of the forms in transition curves, the basic requirements and forms of transition curves are first discussed, and then simulations are performed with several typical transition curves at various speeds, based on the dynamic model developed in this research. The results indicate that the dynamic effects of transition curves are determined by the curvature variation and order of the curvature derivative that is equal to zero at the curve endpoints, while the expression mode (such as algebraic or trigonometric expression) does not make much difference. From a dynamic viewpoint, the ideal transition form requires that the second derivative of its curvature is equal to zero at the curve endpoints at least, such as the 7th parabola, 9th parabola, and sinusoid, with which the vibration accelerations of the vehicle vary smoothly and the jerk can be effectively eased. Then the appropriate transition forms are recommended for ordinary and high-speed railways, respectively.

  • Availability:
  • Authors:
    • Long, X-Y
    • Wei, Q-C
    • Zheng, F-Y
  • Publication Date: 2010


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01154271
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 14 2010 7:14AM