The Success Story of Transport Authority in Delhi

In India, the administration of the transportation sector is entrusted to different agencies at different levels of government. However, this current structure of governance is not equipped to deal with emerging problems of urban transportation. This article describes how the government of Delhi, like some other states in India, is embarking on an ambitious program of promoting an integrated public transportation system. In 2006, the Delhi government created the Delhi Integrated Multimodal Transit System (DIMTS). The mission of DIMTS is to establish new standards of excellence in public transportation and allied infrastructure that will keep pace with the growth in demand, and to provide reliable, safe, accessible, user-friendly and sustainable public transport. The role of the DIMTS is to look after the integration aspects of different modes of transportation. A priority is to integrate an automatic fare collection system in the various transportation modes. The DIMTS has brought in a private partner to contribute management expertise to the company. Although the DIMTS is not a full-fledged transportation authority, it is being successful at helping to implement various projects quickly through both macro- and micro-level planning.

  • Availability:
  • Authors:
    • Aggarwal, Manoj Kumar
    • Aggarwal, Vijita Singh
    • Singh, Jaspal
  • Publication Date: 2009-11


  • English

Media Info

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01149304
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 29 2010 7:13AM