Electronic Road User Charging And Its Effects On The Environment

This paper presents an argument to show how intelligent electronic road user charging systems can contribute to reduce negative environmental effects of the transport sector. This approach depends on state of the art electronic road user charging technologies and the establishment of a system where toll tariffs are dependent on vehicle classes, route and length of the trip, situations on the roads, and environmental data. The author contends that, in this way, real traffic management can be achieved, congestion can be reduced and the choice of vehicle, driving behavior and buying behavior when acquiring vehicles can also be influenced. Apart from the dynamic customizable toll charges, it is very important that the road users are informed about the amount of the fees in advance because this is vital for the success of the dynamic toll system. The authors suggests that the existing infrastructure for traffic management (e.g. central system, traffic radio, situation on the roads over internet) can be used to inform road users of the toll system.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: CD-ROM
  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: 4p
  • Monograph Title: ITS Connections: Saving Time. Saving Lives

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01142002
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 20 2009 7:41AM