A study of environment conscious travel guidance with Pareto improvement

This paper examines the effects of traffic flow and environmental improvements through the provision of Pareto-improved route guidance in situations where an adequate amount of traffic information is provided by means of floating car data. Pareto-improved route guidance is defined as guidance information that modifies routes or departure times in such a manner that it is capable of improving route costs for a given driver without worsening the route costs for other drivers. A simulation experiment was carried out examining the road network on the west side of Tokyo. Environmental improvement effects are relatively evaluated based on the simulation result of each state by comparing the total travel distance, the total travel time, and the total carbon dioxide emissions. The evaluations conducted in this study provide verification of the possibility of achieving a Pareto optimum state that improves on total travel time without causing a deterioration in individual travel time, by means of a Pareto-improving route change. However, because a strict Pareto optimum state could not be determined in this study within reasonable computational amounts, it was not possible to evaluate the extent of the environmental improvement effects

  • Authors:
    • HAYASHI, Y
    • NAITOH, A
    • JIANG, M
    • IIJIMA, M
    • Horiguchi, Ryota
  • Publication Date: 2007


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01141236
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Sep 30 2009 9:13AM