Visual treatments to reduce speed and improve traffic safety

Visuaaliset keinot vaikuttaa nopeuksiin ja liikenneturvallisuuteen

The purpose of this study was to find visual treatments that would have an effect on speed and traffic safety and to find feasible solutions that could be tested and used in Finland. Study covered mainly road markings and other solutions based on visual guidance. Study had two phases: literature research and suitability study concerning their use in Finland. Visual information is essential to the driver. Visual treatments found in this study both provide continuous information (longitudinal pavement markings) for the driver to adjust vehicle speed and position and on the other hand visual elements can give the driver a perception of a higher speed and thus reduce driving speed. Visual treatments could be considered as new, cost-effective solutions to improve traffic safety on rural two lane roads in Finland. The following visual treatments were found in the literature research: traditional longitudinal pavement markings (centre and edge lines), wide central area (1 m wide marked central area between opposing traffic streams), reduced lane width, transverse pavement markings (series of lines and bars), reflector posts and in-pavement markers, intersection visibility and roadside clearing, visual patterns and textures on road tunnel walls, light colored pavement surface, aesthetics of traffic environment and text and symbols as pavement markings. In the studied literature these visual treatments were considered to have a potential effect on driving behaviour, speed and traffic safety. With many of them it is possible to reduce speed and thus improve safety. On the other hand critical consideration is needed because some of them might increase speed due to the improved visual guidance and thus they might have some negative effect on traffic safety. Wide central area and transverse pavement markings were found to be the most potential visual treatments and they are recommended to test in Finland. Both markings are inexpensive to implement. Wide central area increases the distance between opposing traffic streams and reduces average driving speed about 1 - 3 km/h. In Finland the wide central area could be used on two lane rural roads as a first phase before implementing median barrier or on road sections where implementation of median barrier is not possible. 500 km of the wide central area marking could reduce fatal accidents about 7 % and injury accidents about 3 % on those road sections. Transverse pavement markings are used to give drivers an illusion of a narrower lane or higher speed. Transverse pavement markings can reduce average driving speed about 1 - 16 km/h. Transverse pavement markings are commonly used in speed management to reinforce the need to reduce speed or to warn drivers of approaching conditions. In Finland full transverse lines could be used before signalized intersections or roundabouts on road sections where high speed road is entering urban area. Peripheral transverse bars could be used for example approaches to rural intersections on prioritized direction where the speed limit is lowered by the intersection. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01137302
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 978-952-221-149-1
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jul 30 2009 11:40AM