Compression Testing of High Strength Concrete

This paper describes how high performance concrete (HPC) used in the construction of a bridge or bridge element often includes high strength concrete (HSC). To date, concrete with design compressive strengths of up to 19,000 psi (131 MPa) have been used in building construction while concrete with design compressive strengths up to 14,700 psi (101 MPa) have been used in bridge construction. An important aspect in the successful use of high strength concrete is implementing the required quality control measures. For concrete, the most common quality control parameter, and basis for acceptance, is compressive strength. The various AASHTO and ASTM standards that prescribe the methods to cast, cure, prepare, and test concrete specimens were developed based on concretes with compressive strengths in the range of 1500 to 6000 psi (10 to 41 MPa). In the past several years, there has been considerable work done to determine if these standards are suitable for HSC or if modifications are required. However, it often takes several years for existing standards to be revised based on recently completed work. Therefore, this article summarizes some of the important findings from recently completed and on-going work that can be implemented on a project that uses HSC.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Federal Highway Administration

    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  United States  20590

    National Concrete Bridge Council

    Portland Cement Association, 5420 Old Orchard Road
    Skokie, IL  United States  60077-1083
  • Authors:
    • Burg, Ronald G
  • Publication Date: 2005


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01110938
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Sep 24 2008 10:38AM