Deliveries on the quiet

Night-time deliveries to urban supermarkets usually result in high levels of noise which can disturb local residents. However a recent trial has shown that these high levels of noise can be eliminated. The Noise Abatement Society (NAS) was involved in monitoring silent approach trials for quiet night-time deliveries, with Doncaster, Wandsworth and Sainsbury's being involved in the trials. The author also looks at how noise abatement has been attempted in the Netherlands. The Freight Transport Association has drawn up a delivery toolkit suggesting measures to minimise or remove the noise impact of night-time operations. Advantages of night-time deliveries include quicker and therefore cheaper deliveries; less congested driving conditions leading to more consistent driving and therefore better fuel efficiency; fewer accidents (though this is currently unsubstantiated) and fresh deliveries are on the shelves by early morning instead of late morning. Sound deadening strategies were identified, such as turning off cooling units before entering the urban area, the use of sound deadening materials in loading bays, banning human noise in the yards and simple measures such as greasing squeaky gates. Plans are afoot to develop these new standards for the Olympic village and to share experiences with other European cities.

  • Authors:
    • RUSSELL, L
  • Publication Date: 2008-1


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01109259
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Aug 25 2008 7:58AM