Level crossing collision among The Ghan passenger train (1AD8) and a road-train truck, Ban Ban Springs, 12 December 2006
On 12 December 2006, a double trailer road-train truck drove into the path of The Ghan passenger train (1AD8) at the Fountain Head Road level crossing, Ban Ban Springs, Northern Territory. There were no fatalities, however, the road-train driver and a female passenger were hospitalised and several other passengers and crew sustained minor injuries. The investigation concluded that the truck was driven through the 'Stop' sign at the level crossing at a speed of about 50 kilometres per hour. The driver of the truck traversed the level crossing many times during the course of his 'working day' and had been in the habit of slowing rather than stopping at the level crossing 'Stop' sign. Factors influencing this act were the manner in which the task was normally performed, the expectation that a train would not be present and the operational constraints of road-train vehicles. It was also found that the ability of the road-train truck driver to hear the first two soundings of the train horn may have been compromised by his severe bilateral hearing loss. The report identifies a number of safety issues and issues recommendations and safety advisory notices with the aim of preventing similar events. (a)
- Find a library where document is available. Order URL: http://worldcat.org/isbn/9781921165832
- Publication Date: 2008-2
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 90P
- Transport Safety Investigation Report. Rail Occurrence Investigation
- Issue Number: 2006/015
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Behavior; Drivers; Prevention; Railroad grade crossings; Safety; Trucks
- Uncontrolled Terms: Articulated vehicles
- ITRD Terms: 1661: Accident prevention; 1225: Articulated vehicle; 9001: Behaviour; 1772: Driver; 452: Level crossing; 1236: Lorry; 1665: Safety
- Subject Areas: Motor Carriers; Railroads; Safety and Human Factors; Security and Emergencies; I82: Accidents and Transport Infrastructure; I83: Accidents and the Human Factor;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01109191
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 9781921165832
- Files: ITRD, ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 25 2008 7:50AM