Health effects of transport-related air pollution
The effect on health of transport-related air pollution are among the leading concerns about transport. This book provides a systematic review of the literature on transport-related air pollution and a comprehensive evaluation of the health hazards of such pollution. It focusses on air pollution related to road transport (mostly from urban and suburban passenger and freight transport) and the risks it poses to human health. It also considers the entire chain of relevant issues: from patterns and trends in activities that determine the intensity of emissions from transport, to primary emissions and the formation of secondary pollutants by means of transportation, and finally through to patterns of human exposure to such pollutants. The discussion of the adverse effects on health considers the results of both epidemiological studies and toxicological assessments of biological mechanisms.
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Corporate Authors:
World Health Organization
Regional Office for Europe
Scherfigsvej 8
DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark -
- Publication Date: 2005
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 190p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air pollution; Air quality management; Health; Passenger transportation; Pollutants; Textbooks; Urban areas
- ITRD Terms: 2452: Air pollution; 2442: Emission; 2433: Emission control; 2144: Health; 1146: Passenger transport; 8526: Textbook; 313: Urban area
- Subject Areas: Energy; Environment; Passenger Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment; I15: Environment; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01102776
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: TRL
- ISBN: 9289013737
- Files: ITRD
- Created Date: Jun 16 2008 8:33AM