EMFO: a public private research programme on emissions from road vehicles

The emission research programme, EMFO, is a joint public industry research programme in the field of emissions from road vehicles, tractors and large machinery. The programme, which will run between 2003 and 2008, is based on an agreement between the Swedish automotive industry (Saab Automobile AB, Scania CV AB, AB Volvo, Volvo Car Corporation AB and Scandinavian Automotive Suppliers AB) and the responsible governmental administrations (the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish National Environmental Protection Agency, VINNOVA and the Swedish Road Administration). The program budget is approximately 17 million Euros, with one third from the industry, one third from the Swedish Road Administration and one third from the other governmental administrations. The EMFO's strategy is to create access to unique knowledge and competence in Sweden, which is shared and used in research, development and education. Through this, Swedish industry and Swedish authorities will develop the pioneering solutions necessary to achieve a good environment with regard to emissions. Research should also provide scientifically-grounded data for decisions on issues concerning road transport emissions. The research areas include functional solutions to achieve future emission requirements for diesel, reliable emission statistics, reduced road dust and noise emissions, alternative fuels, health impacts and optimal range of socio-economic measures. The cooperation between industry and the state authorities in such a research program have significant benefits. It provides a mean to increase the cost-efficiency by joining forces. It also gives an opportunity to create an arena for better understanding of the perspectives of the other parts; either it is public and or private. The major drawback is that it is difficult to finance projects that are of interest for only one or a few of the collaborating partners and thus risk the funding of independent and system critical research within this field. Despite this I will argue that the EMFO strategy have so far been successful. It can be an interesting model for increased cooperation between industry and public authorities as a mean to increase the innovative power of Europe and to contribute to a sustainable economic growth. More information can be found at www.pff.nu (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

  • Authors:
    • NILSSON, L
  • Publication Date: 2006


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01102589
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jun 16 2008 8:03AM