Potential of Wastepaper Sludge Ash to Replace Cement in Deep Stabilization of Quick Clay

About half of the cost of deep soil stabilization installation works is attributed to the cost of binder materials, mainly cement. Wastepaper sludge ash (WSA) is considered as a potential substitute for cement in construction of lime-cement columns. Suitability and performance of lime-WSA mixture in deep stabilization of quick clay are being investigated at NTNU, Norway. Mineralogical and chemical analyses of WSA, laboratory mixing methods and proportioning and strength and deformation characteristics using unconfined compression tests were performed on lime-WSA mixtures and compared with the commonly applied lime-cement mixtures. The results show that equal proportions of lime and WSA produce the best results. Stabilizing effects produced by lime-WSA mixtures are comparable to those of lime-cement binders, in addition to economic and environmental advantages of reusing WSA. However, it takes about 75 days for lime-WSA mixtures to achieve engineering properties equivalent to 28-days old lime-cement mixtures. Eighteen months old field samples from actual lime-cement and lime-cement-WSA columns were tested, where the lime-cement-WSA samples tested about five times stronger and fifty times less permeable, compared with the corresponding lime-cement samples.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Pagination: 17 p.
  • Monograph Title: 2007 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation - An Economic Enabler

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01098877
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
  • Files: TAC
  • Created Date: May 7 2008 10:00AM